Song 9: Gloria - Vivaldi


    This piece is quick and is maily loud or very loud. and not too loud except in the Chorus section.
    It is divided into 3 main parts for each voice. It has a 16 bar piano introduction. It only consists of the latin words - Gloria in excelsis deo - (Glory to God in the highest).

    Section 1: This is the first 2 pages. After the 16 bar introduction the choir sing loudly 'Gloria' 4 times followed by 'in excelsis Deo' twice - first time loud the again quietly. Then 'Gloria' is again sung 4 times loudly followed by 'in excelsis Deo'. These first two pages are in block harmony.

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    Section 2: Pages 3 & 4. Page 3 there is a two bar piano introduction followed by the four voices s inging in block harmony loudly. After page 3 there is a one bar intro to start page 4 then the voices sing loudly in block harmony 'Gloria in excelsis' twice followed by 'Deo'. The the whole phrase is then sung to complete page 4.

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    Section 3: After the previous section there are 3 Bars played by the piano. Then the voices come in very loud singing 'in excelsis' starting with the Sops and Tens followed half a bar later by the Altos and Bass. This is followed with a 2 beat pause and then all voices sing the whole phrase very loudly in block harmony. There is a piano flourish to finish the piece.

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