Song 6 : It all begins with a dream - Don Besig & Nancy Price.


    This song should be smooth and care taken with the dynamics. Long notes should be held on for the full value.

    Pages 2 & 3 After the piano introduction the ladies sing the melody, the men then sing the melody a little louder.
    Finally everyone sings the melody slighty louder until the top of page 4 when we gradually get quieter.

    There will only be one recording of pages 2 & 3 since everyone sings the melody.

All Voices

    Pages 4 & 5. Page 4 starts in 4 parts slightly louder.
    It gradually gets louder on page 5 the last 2 notes are louder and slightly slower.


    Pages 6 & 7 Loud until the last note on page 6 when the sound dies away.
    From the 2nd line of page 7 it is quietly sung in unison.


    Pages 8 & 9. The first 2 lines of Page 8 sung in unison gradually getting louder. Bottom line on page 8 in harmony gradually getting louder.
    Page 9 end of bar 1 is loud and slightly paused on the first 2 notes. The rest of page 9 is loud and in harmony.


    Pages 10 & 11. Page 10 first note dies away then the rest of the page starts fairly quiet gets gradually louder.
    It is sung in unison until the last 2 ½ bars on the top of page 11 which gets louder and slightly slower.
    The rest of page 11 is in unison until the last 2 bars.

    Page 12 is in harmony and is louder.
    The final line is very loud and remember the first beat on the last line is a rest.
    Last chord Sop 1 sing the top note and Sop 2 sing the middle note.


The whole accompaniment

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View Choir singing the music all the way through

To see PV singing most of the song at one of the concerts. Click on the play arrow on the video below

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