Song 5: Jingle Bell Rock by J. Beal & J. Boothe arr by Tenna Chinn


    This song is quick with a rock beat. Volume is fairly loud to loud with very few quiet parts.

    Section 1 from the beginning to the bottom of page 4.

    It begins with a 4 bar piano introduction which is medium loud.The voices then enter singing in unison for the next 4 bars. At bar 9 the men sing the next 2 bars with the ladies singing the next 2 bars. At bar 13 All sing again in unison for the next 3 bars followed by the parts singing in harmony for nearly 5 bars till the last bar on page 4. In the last bar the voices get louder.

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    Section 2 from last beat on page 4 to bar 36 on page 7 where the key changes.

    This begins loud in harmony until bar 28. Then it is medium loud in harmonyfor 4 bars to the bottom of page 6. Page 7 begins in unison then in harmony to the end of the second line where gets louder and changes key.

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      Section 3 from bar 37 to bar 60 0n page 11. This section is all in harmony.

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    Section 4 from bar 61 to the end. Except for the first 2 bars being sung in unison the rest is in harmony.

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