Song 9: - Be Still, My Soul - by Jean Sibelius arranged by R. E. Schram
This is fairly slow and should be sung very smoothly. Careful singing of the dynamics and words is important. It is divided into 5 sections.
1st Section. There is a page instrumental introduction. This will only be played before the Soprano part. The last 4 bars of the introduction will be played before the other parts. Page 3 is in 4 part harmony and fairly quiet. Page 4 begins fairly quietly and gradually increases in volume - medium loud at bar 17. The bottom line gets gradually quieter. The last 4 bars up to bar 34 are fairly quiet sung in unison.
Soprano: Alto:Tenor: Bass:
Second Section: This begins at the bottom of page 5. The men sing the tune in unison medium loud. This is 8 bars long. The ladies then sing the next 8 bars in harmony. It is fairly loud and slows down during the last bar. The ladies part is divided into 3 voices - 1st Soprano, 2nd Soprano and Alto.
Soprano1: Soprano2: Alto:Men:
Section 3: This section is sung in harmony.The first 4 bars are loud then the volume decreases to medium loud. It is sung medium loud until bar 60 where the key changes.
Soprano: Alto:Tenor: Bass:
Section 4: After a piano part for 3 bars everyone sings quietly in harmony. It is more or less the same as the first section except in the higher key. It is medium volume to start with but at bar 70 it gets louder and at bar 71 it is loud. At bar 77 it gets slightly slower. This section ends at bar 78.
Soprano: Alto:Tenor: Bass:
Section 5: From Bar 79 to the end. It is all sung in harmony. It starts loud and from bar 82 it gradually gets quieter to the end.
Soprano: Alto:Tenor: Bass:
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