by Vito Pallavicini and Pino Donaggio. Girst sung in this country by Dusty Springfield
This song is I believe written by an Italian composer and was recorded in this country by Dusty Springfield. Other people have also recorded it incoluding the 'King' (Elvis Presley). It is fairly quick with some feeling. The Bass singers will sing the verse tune with the other voices acting as a backing group. The chorus melody is sung by the Sopranos.
The first verse is sung by the Bass section with the other voices acting as a backing group singing an answer to the molody.
The verse ends on page 4.
S:A:T: B:
In the chorus the Sopranos take over the melody with the other voices becoming the harmony. This is sung in block harmony ( all voices singing at the same time starts on page 4 and ends at the end of the top line on page 6.
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Verse 2 starts at the bottom of page6. This is very similar to first verse in form but is only half the length. It ends at the top of page 8
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The Second Chorus is similar to the first and begins at the bottom of page 8. It start medium loud. At the bottom of page 9 the key changes and music gradually increases in volume and the end on page 11 is extended. and gets even louder.
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Unfortumately I could not find a choir singing this song so you will be listening to Dusty. Below on you tube after the song just click on the back arrow at the top of the page. This will return you to this page.