Song 5: Can't help falling in Love
arranged by Roger Emerson


    This song is at a moderate pace and has a fair amount of variety in volume. It should be very smooth.
    It is divided into 4 main parts. It was originally sung by Elvis Presley.

    1st Section Pages 2 and 3. After a short piano introduction all parts sing in unison fairly quietly until the end of the 2nd line. It is then in 2 part harmony to the end of bar 1 on page 3 still fairly quiet. The Sops Altos and Tenors then sing medium loud in harmony to bar 14. From the end of bar 14 it is again in 4 part harmony to the end of this section at the bottom of page 3.


    2nd Section: This section begins at the beginning of page 4 and is fairly loud in 4 part harmony. At bar 24 we again sing in unison to bar 27. From there it is in harmony to bar 36.


    3rd Section: This begins on bar 36 page 5 and ends on page 6 just before bar 42. It begins loud and is in 4 part harmony. Over bars 40 and 41 it gets louder and slightly slower to just before bar 42.


    4th Section:Starts with a key change in bar 42 page 6 to the end. It is very loud. It is sung in unison to bar 45. Then it is then mainly sung in harmony to the end.


I can't find a choir singing this song so I have put a version sung by Elvis. When you have heard it on you tube just click on the back arrow
at the top of the page. This will return you to this page.

View a Elvis singing the music all the way through

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