Song 1: Softly As I Leave You -
Arranged by Alan Simmons


    This song is at a moderate speed and fairly quiet most of the time.
    It is divided into 3 main parts for each voice and is accompanied by piano and flute.

    1st Section Page 1 to end of bar 19 on page 3. After a 2 bar introducion all parts sing quietly. The top line of page 2 gets louder then quieter again. At bar 11 the key changes. From bar 14- 16 the music gets louder and bar 17 - 19 it gets softer and slower.AT bar 19 the key changes back to the original key. Most of this section is in harmony.


    2nd Section: This begins in bar 20 - bottom of page 3. It begins to gradually get louder in bar 21 and is loud in bar 23. It thenbecomes quieter and slows down from bar 26 to the repeat marks at the end of bar 27.


    At the end of bar 27 we jumpback to bar 3. This time the singers hum whilst the flute plays the melody. At bar 11 where the key changes the singers now sing the words and sing as before to bar 27.

    Section 2B: We then carry on singing to the end. Notice it gets quieter and slower to the end. I have started the recording from bar 19.


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